世界を敵に回す Against the World
エーデルガルト: まもなくガルグ=マク大修道院ね。
Edelgard: We will soon arrive at Garreg Mach Monastery.
Forcing a surrender here is extremely significant, both strategically and symbolically.
エーデルガルト: 皆にとっては、共に学んだ場所でもある。
Edelgard: Of course, this is personal as well. This is where we all came together to learn and grow.
I have no intention of yielding to our former classmates, so I ask that you prepare yourselves for anything.
リンハルト: 学友に思うところはないけど、同様に覚悟もないね。
Linhardt: I'm not thinking about friends right now, and I'm certainly not prepared.
カスパル: お前なあ、しょっぱなから士気が下がるようなこと言うなよ!
Caspar: Damn it, don't go around saying things that lower morale before we even get started!
I'm ready! Let's go! Let's fight!
ドロテア: 私には、今ここにいる仲間以外に失うものはない……それで十分でしょう?
Dorothea: I have nothing to lose aside from my friends who are here with me. Does that answer satisfy you?
ペトラ: 故郷離れた時、覚悟、済ませました。わたし……戦います。
Petra: I have been ready for this since leaving my land of home. I will fight and win!
ベルナデッタ: 戦う覚悟って、どうやってするんですか!覚悟を決める覚悟ならできてますよおお!
Bernadetta: How can you prepare to fight? Maybe I can prepare to prepare...
フェルディナント: ああ、覚悟できないはずもない。私にとて負って立つものがあるのだから!
Ferdinand: There is no reason I cannot be prepared. It is my duty to stand up and battle!
エーデルガルト: 皆、ありがとう。それでは、作戦を説明するわ。
Edelgard: Thank you all. Now, let's talk strategy.
ヒューベルト: 我々は遊撃軍として、ガルグ=マクの中でも最も修道院に近い地区を攻撃します。
Hubert: As the raiding force, we will attack the area nearest to the monastery.
The Knights of Seiros certainly won't stand down after they catch sight of Her Majesty and the professor.
At the same time, the remaining areas will be surrounded and annihilated by the main army.
In other words, we are the decoy that must suppress the enemy's most elite soldiers.
エーデルガルト: 修道院周辺に最も詳しいのが私たちだから、という理由もあるわ。
Edelgard: We know more about the area near the monastery than anyone else in the Imperial army.
Still, we must prepare for the worst. It's possible we will have to face the archbishop's true form―the Immaculate One.
Fight with all you have, but don't be reckless. As promised, I will leave the command to the professor.
Choice 1: 負けない We will not lose.
ヒューベルト: 無論です。陛下と先生が揃っていて、負けるはずもありません。
Hubert: Naturally. With both Her Majesty and yourself on our side, defeat is impossible.
Choice 2: 誰も死なせない I will protect you all.
ヒューベルト: 誰も死なないということこそ我らの勝利でしょうな、先生。
Hubert: Not only will we all survive this, but we will undoubtedly emerge victorious.
エーデルガルト: “黒鷲遊撃軍”の初陣……必ずや勝利で飾りましょう!
Edelgard: This will be our first battle as the Black Eagle Strike Force. All the more reason to prevail!